Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Phenibut Withdrawal Symptoms and How to Easily Prevent Dependence

Most people who take Phenibut find it to be a very positive experience and do not experience any withdrawal symptoms when stopping use. When used correctly, Phenibut is a great supplement for improving mood, reducing stress, and helping to promote healthy sleep. Phenibut withdrawal can be prevented completely by adhering to the recommended serving instructions.

For some people, however, Phenibut withdrawal is a real and difficult situation to deal with. Using large Phenibut servings for a prolonged period of time and without proper cycling can result in physical dependence, making it difficult to come off Phenibut use without experiencing negative side effects.

women with Phenibut withdrawal and headache Phenibut withdrawal can be uncomfortable and difficult.

Factors that Influence Phenibut Withdrawal

There are a number of factors that influence Phenibut withdrawal. These factors include the length and frequency at which a person has been using Phenibut; the serving size taken; personal factors and a person’s genetics; and whether or not use is immediately discontinued or slowly tapered off. Importantly, the key mechanisms behind these factors all come down to two aspects relating to Phenibut’s effects on the body.

Firstly, Phenibut acts primarily on GABA-B receptors in the brain. When using Phenibut for a prolonged period of time and without proper cycling, the brain becomes accustomed to receiving a GABAergic boost from Phenibut and, therefore, stops producing as much natural GABA as it would have before. This is called Phenibut dependence, which means that the brain requires an extra GABA boost from Phenibut to maintain regular GABA activity. Note that this DOES NOT occur when using Phenibut correctly. Once Phenibut dependence has been established, it is important to slowly taper off the serving size rather than to immediately discontinue use.

Secondly, Phenibut has a long half-life, which means that the metabolites remain in the bloodstream long after the effects have diminished. The risk with this is that, even when it feels like Phenibut’s effects have worn off, some of the supplement is still active in your body. At this point, taking another serving means adding to the Phenibut that is still in the bloodstream, potentially adding up to a serving size greater than what is recommended. This is why Phenibut should never be used more than twice per week. Three to four days is usually a safe enough amount of time between servings to prevent the risk of developing Phenibut dependence.

Adhering to the correct serving recommendation prevents the risk of developing Phenibut dependence. Nevertheless, let’s explore the factors influencing Phenibut withdrawal a little further:

1.     Length and Frequency of Use

One of the most important factors in Phenibut withdrawal involves the length of time that a person has been using Phenibut for. Using Phenibut consistently at a rate of more than two times per week is – almost always – the deciding factor in whether or not a person develops dependence to Phenibut. As indicated on the serving recommendations, Phenibut should never be used more than two times in a week. Using Phenibut more than twice per week for a prolonged period of time increases the risk of developing a psychological or physical dependence, which greatly increases your chances for Phenibut withdrawal.

2.     Serving Size

Another important factor in developing Phenibut withdrawal is the serving size that a person takes. Phenibut should never be taken at a serving size greater than 2000 mg per day, and not more than 1000 mg every six hours. Using serving sizes greater than those recommended on the bottle increases your risk of developing Phenibut dependence and withdrawal, especially when using Phenibut more often than twice per week. Furthermore, using more than 2000 mg in a single day, or combining Phenibut with other GABA agonists, increases the possibility of Phenibut overdose, which can be very unpleasant if left untreated.

3.     Personal Factors/Genetics

Other factors influencing a person’s chances of experiencing Phenibut withdrawal include their personal health, metabolism, and sensitivity to Phenibut. Some people are much more sensitive to Phenibut than others, which is why it is always recommended to use the minimum serving size necessary to feel its effects. As a result of Phenibut’s long half-life, people with slower metabolisms may have a greater risk of developing Phenibut dependency, as metabolites of Phenibut will remain in the bloodstream for a longer period of time. Genetics may also have a role to play in your chances of experiencing Phenibut withdrawal.

4.     Tapering Off

Along with the length and frequency of use, whether or not a person tapers off Phenibut is a key aspect of Phenibut withdrawal. If you have been using Phenibut at a higher dosage than recommended, or more frequently than recommended, it is likely that you have developed a dependence on the supplement. In order to prevent experiencing Phenibut withdrawal symptoms, it is necessary to taper off instead of simply discontinuing use. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, coming off Phenibut cold-turkey after overuse is not a good idea. It is much better to slowly reduce the dosage until you feel okay with stopping entirely.

man with Phenibut headache Phenibut withdrawal symptoms can include headaches and difficulty focusing

List of Phenibut Withdrawal Symptoms

Phenibut withdrawal is experienced as a number of symptoms which are the result of the body’s cravings for a GABAergic booster. Withdrawal symptoms can last for anywhere between a few days and several weeks and can range dramatically in severity.

Anger/Hostility: It is not uncommon to feel irritable, angry, or hostile towards others when experiencing Phenibut withdrawal, especially during the first week. Your brain craves a GABAergic boost but does not receive it, causing irritability and anger. Try to keep this in mind before acting on the anger.

Antisocial Behavior: A very common Phenibut withdrawal symptom is to display antisocial behavior. Someone with Phenibut withdrawal will often not want to go out, socialize, or see people at all. This may be a result of the loss of homeostasis in the GABA system and an increase in stress hormones.

Anxiety: The hallmark of Phenibut withdrawal, feelings of anxiety are almost always present in people who have discontinued Phenibut use after developing dependence. Feelings of anxiety may be undefined/broad or acute/focused, and range in severity from mild to debilitating. These feelings may be increased in people who were using larger serving sizes of Phenibut, were using Phenibut in combination with other GABA agonists, or who have underlying anxiety.

Appetite Loss: Another common symptom of Phenibut withdrawal is to experience a loss of appetite. This is thought to be related to the increase in stress hormones and loss of homeostasis in the GABAergic and/or dopamine systems. Loss of appetite may persist for some time after stopping Phenibut, especially for people who were using large servings.

Depressed/Negative Thinking: A drop in mood is often reported in people with Phenibut withdrawal. This is most often associated with the brain’s cravings for a GABA-boost but may also have to do with a decrease in dopamine metabolism. To reduce negative thoughts, try to get out and socialize. Talking to people about your withdrawal symptoms, or to other people experiencing Phenibut withdrawal will help you to feel more connected.

Headaches: Headaches are a typical symptom and are felt most strongly in the first few days. This is a typical sign that the chemistry in your brain is not ‘quite-right’ and that your body is craving something. Headaches can make it difficult to focus and can be made worse by difficulties sleeping. Taking some Paracetamol or Ibuprofen may help to reduce headaches and get you back to work sooner.

Insomnia: Persistent loss of sleep is a result of the lack of GABA being produced by the brain. After a few weeks, when the GABA system is working normally again, normal sleeping patterns will return. This symptom is experienced more profoundly by people who had been using Phenibut to help promote sleep at night. Taking a natural sleep-promoting alternative may help reduce the loss of sleep.

Lethargy: It is common to feel lethargic when experiencing Phenibut withdrawal. This often goes hand-in-hand with negative thought patterns, boredom, and irritability. Experiencing lethargy during Phenibut withdrawal may also contribute to antisocial behavior and feelings of anxiety. Try to get out and do something active, it’ll make you feel a lot better.

Nausea: Less common than many of the other Phenibut withdrawal symptoms, nausea is experienced by fewer people and often only when coming off a strong Phenibut dependence (after persistent use of high Phenibut doses). Feelings of nausea should wear off within a few days of your last Phenibut serving.

Liftmode Phenibut for calming Most people who use Phenibut do not experience withdrawal symptoms.

Night-sweats: Night-sweats are a common feature of withdrawal and indicate that your body had formed a physical dependence on Phenibut. Although night-sweats can be somewhat alarming, it is better to not panic about this symptoms – night-sweats are experienced by people ‘coming-off’ from many different types of substances. Night-sweats should stop within a week or so of your last Phenibut serving.

Panic/Fear: As the brain ‘resets’ the GABAergic system in response to the cessation of Phenibut use, increases in stress hormones are common. This may include an increase in epinephrine, the ‘flight-or-fight’ hormone. Sometimes, this results in feelings of fear or even panic. Try not to respond to these feelings. Getting outside or using a natural calming remedy like chamomile tea, for example, may help alleviate this symptom.

Rapid Heartbeat: People with Phenibut withdrawal often report experiencing an increase in heartbeat and even heart palpitations at times. The GABAergic system is responsible for depressing the nervous system and helps to lower a person’s heart rate. In Phenibut withdrawal, the GABAergic system does not function as usual, which may cause an increased heartbeat.

Restlessness/Agitation: Feeling agitated and restless is a common feature of withdrawal, especially from physical dependence. It is common to feel high levels of arousal and difficulty relaxing. Most often, this is related to your body’s cravings for more Phenibut. Agitation and restlessness can make it difficult to focus at work or at school. These feelings may persist for several weeks after stopping Phenibut.

Tremors: Tremors and muscle twitching/spasms are often reported by people with Phenibut withdrawal, especially during the first few days after discontinuing use. Muscle twitching can be concerning and may confound feelings of stress and anxiety. Stretching or using a roller may help to reduce muscle spasms in some areas of the body.

How to Prevent Phenibut Withdrawal

The most important thing to remember about Phenibut withdrawal is that prevention is better than cure. Using Phenibut correctly – at the indicated serving size and not more than twice per week – will prevent your body from forming a dependence. No dependence means no withdrawal.

Most people who use Phenibut are able to do so functionally and without ever developing any dependence or withdrawal symptoms when stopping. The reason for this is that they adhere to the recommended serving instructions, preventing their GABA system from becoming dependent on the agonist effects of Phenibut.

However, even after physical dependence has been established, it is still possible to ‘come off’ from Phenibut without experiencing any withdrawal symptoms. The way to do this is by tapering off slowly instead of stopping use immediately. For some people, especially people who have been using large servings sizes greater than 3000 mg on a daily basis, it may be beneficial to speak to a doctor before tapering off from Phenibut. Sometimes, a doctor will prescribe a course of baclofen to reduce withdrawal symptoms.

phenibut-for-mood When used correctly, Phenibut is great for improving mood, reducing stress, and promoting healthy sleep.

How to Taper Off from Phenibut Use

There are a few rules of thumb that may help long-term users of Phenibut who have been taking large serving sizes to taper off without experiencing withdrawal symptoms. However, it is important to note that each person’s metabolism is different. What works for some people may not work for others. If you are a long-term user who has been taking large Phenibut servings (upwards of 3000 mg) on a daily basis, please speak to a doctor before coming off this supplement.

For a long-term tapering method, reducing the serving size by around 10% each week, for ten weeks seems to be a good way to prevent withdrawal symptoms for many people. However, this may not be recommended for people who are using very large serving sizes of Phenibut.

Some Phenibut users have reported being able to prevent Phenibut withdrawal symptoms by decreasing the serving size by 100 mg, for each serving. After a couple of weeks of using a low Phenibut serving size every few days, it should be possible to completely stop taking the supplement without experiencing any negative side effects.

Conclusion – Prevent Withdrawal Symptoms Through Responsible Use

In summary, Phenibut withdrawal symptoms are quite common in people who have used Phenibut at serving sizes greater than recommended, for a prolonged period of time. This is a result of physical dependence caused by over stimulating GABA receptors in the brain. Once physical dependence is established, it is difficult to simply quit using Phenibut without experiencing at least some withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms may include anger, antisocial behavior, anxiety, appetite loss, depression/negative thinking, headaches, insomnia, lethargy, nausea, night sweats, panic/fear, rapid heartbeat, restlessness, and muscle spasms.

It is important to note that most people who use Phenibut DO NOT experience any withdrawal symptoms upon ceasing to use this supplement. This is because they stick to the recommended serving guidelines and, therefore, do not develop a Phenibut dependence. Most people who use Phenibut find it to be a profoundly positive experience – helping to alleviate stress, increase mood, and promote healthy sleep.

To prevent Phenibut withdrawal, please ensure that you use Phenibut as indicated on the bottle. Should you begin to develop a Phenibut dependence, it is possible to come off Phenibut use without experiencing withdrawal symptoms – either by tapering off slowly or by consulting with a doctor.

The post Phenibut Withdrawal Symptoms and How to Easily Prevent Dependence appeared first on LiftMode Blog.
Phenibut Withdrawal Symptoms and How to Easily Prevent Dependence posted first on http://liftmode.tumblr.com

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