Monday, March 12, 2018

Top 3 Agmatine Sulphate Benefits For Cognition, Mood, and Fitness Performance

Agmatine Sulphate is a fairly new dietary supplement that people are using for several benefits. It is a neurotransmitter that helps to support mood and cognition and shows some interesting effects in studies. A product of the L-Citrulline synthesis pathway, this neurotransmitter is derived from L-Arginine and is used in protein synthesis and the synthesis of 4-Guanidinobutyric acid. Today, you can buy Agmatine (also known as ((4-aminobutyl)guanidine)) as a dietary supplement.

In this article, we explore the top 3 Agmatine benefits and look further into why researchers are so interested in this neurotransmitter. We explore this supplements benefits for supporting cognitive function, reducing stress and supporting healthy mood, and its use in fitness performance and helping to support a healthy circulatory system.

agmatine benefits for fitness and health

Background into Agmatine Benefits


Agmatine ((4-aminobutyl)guanidine) is a newly understood amino acid derivative, synthesized in the brain from L-Arginine, and used as a neurotransmitter. Agmatine is a product of the L-Citrulline synthesis pathway. It is used in a number of physiological processes, especially as a neuromodulator and neuroprotective compound.[1] It also has a number of newly discovered potential benefits, which is why so many people are talking about Agmatine Sulphate supplements.

Agmatine Sulphate has several important potential benefits when used responsibly as a dietary supplement. These include several benefits for protecting the brain and supporting healthy cognition – with research especially focussing on its potential to be used as a neuroprotective compound. People online often search for Agmatine and bodybuilding, or sometimes for the precursor, L-Arginine and bodybuilding. This supplement may have some benefits for fitness and in supporting a healthy circulatory system.

1.     Agmatine for Stress Relief & Mood

agmatine from liftmodeOne of the top benefits of this supplement is its ability to help with stress relief and to support a healthy mood. Animal and in vitro studies suggest that Agmatine positively affects a number of receptors in the brain that are involved in the stress response. For example, this supplement activates receptors known as imidazoline receptors, which helps to reduce stress and also to produce endorphins (natural ‘feel-good’ hormones).[2]

Furthermore, Agmatine binds to NMDA receptors as an antagonist, which is a common target for other agents that are used to promote and support a healthy mood.[3] Interestingly, this supplement has the potential to act as a mood regulator, and a healthy level of Agmatine is important for maintaining healthy moods. It also binds to serotonin and adrenergic receptors, both of which are involved in mood. [4]

Other studies have indicated that this supplement helps to improve activity in an area of the brain called the locus coeruleus – an area that is associated with stress response and regulating a healthy mood.[5] Most studies have been in vitro or based on animal models, so there is room for further research with human participants focussing on mood and stress reduction.

2.     Agmatine for Cognitive Health

People online are talking about Agmatine’s ability to help support cognition and memory. This newly researched compound acts as a neurotransmitter and positively influences parts of the brain that are associated with cognition, memory, and learning.

In several studies, researchers have found that this supplement is stored in the hippocampus, an area of the brain associated with learning and that it is released when new tasks are learned.[6] This is one of the reasons why it is often referred to as a top cognitive performance supplement. It is also found in the stratum radiatum and both prefrontal and perirhinal cortices – areas of the brain that are also associated with memory and learning.[7]

Another important top Agamtine benefit is its ability to work as a neuromodulator – meaning that it helps to maintain healthy levels of neurotransmitters in the brain.[8] This helps to support cognitive performance and also helps to support a healthy brain. Finally, Agmatine is said to be neuroprotective – helping to protect the brain from toxins and stress. [9]

3.     Agmatine Benefits for Fitness Performance

Agmatine is often taken by people who are looking to improve their fitness performance, as a supplement for energy and to improve physical stamina or endurance. There is still room for further research focussing on this supplement’s ability to improve athletic performance in humans. However, some research into its effects definitely looks promising.

Firstly, studies indicate that Agmatine can be used to support a healthy circulatory system, which is important for fitness and exercise. Agmatine is able to regulate nitric oxide production – a naturally-produced compound that causes blood vessels to expand, lowering blood pressure and allowing for improved blood flow through the body.[10] Specifically, Agmatine is able to activate the α2A adrenergic receptor, which is responsible for triggering the synthesis of nitric oxide.[11]

Secondly, animal studies have indicated that blood glucose levels tend to drop after using an Agmatine supplement. Researchers have suggested that this is caused by this supplement’s interactions with imidazoline receptors. Basically, these receptors produce endorphins (natural ‘feel-good’ compounds, which allow more glucose to be deposited into skeletal muscle cells, providing an increase in physical energy and reducing blood glucose levels.[12]


Agmatine Sulphate Recommended Usage

Agmatine is most often taken in a sulphate form, which allows for better storage and absorption/metabolism. The recommended serving size is 600 – 1200 mg, taken once to twice daily. There is a low level of research that has been conducted on human participants, so it is recommended not to exceed the serving suggestion.

One human study used a daily serving size of no more than 2’600 mg and focused on potential Agmatine benefits for pain relief. The researchers recorded few side effects apart from mild nausea and some diarrhoea, which were more pronounced at larger serving sizes.[13]

If you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking any medication, please speak to your doctor before using Agmatine supplements. There is insufficient information about safety for pregnant and breastfeeding women – please speak to your doctor first if you’d like to use this supplement.

Conclusion: Agmatine Benefits for Health and Mood

In summary, the top three most talked about Agmatine benefits include an ability to help reduce stress and to promote a healthy mood; to support cognition and a healthy brain; and potentially to help promote fitness and exercise performance.

Agmatine reviews on the internet – written by people who have used this supplement – are another great way to learn about this supplement’s potential benefits. Since there has not been that much research focussing on benefits in humans taking oral supplements, online reviews are a great place to get a bit more information. Websites like Reddit and often have some good Agmatine reviews.

Agmatine-sulphate-chemical-structure Chemical structure of Agmatine Sulphate


[1]Agmatine”, PubChem Open Chemistry Database, US National Library of Medicine, available online from [2] Piletz JE, Chikkala DN, Ernsberger P. “Comparison of the properties of agmatine and endogenous clonidine-displacing substance at imidazoline and alpha-2 adrenergic receptors.” J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1995 Feb;272(2):581-7

[3] Askalany AR, Yamakura T, Petrenko AB, Kohno T, Sakimura K, Baba H. “Effect of agmatine on heteromeric N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channels.Neurosci Res. 2005 Aug;52(4):387-92.

[4] Taksande BG, Kotagale NR, Tripathi SJ, Ugale RR, Chopde CT. “Antidepressant-like effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors involve modulation of imidazoline receptors by agmatine.” Neuropharmacology. 2009 Sep;57(4):415-24

[5] Ruiz-Durántez E, Ruiz-Ortega JA, Pineda J, Ugedo L. “Effect of agmatine on locus coeruleus neuron activity: possible involvement of nitric oxide.” Br J Pharmacol. 2002 Mar;135(5):1152-8

[6] Reis DJ, Yang XC, Milner TA. “Agmatine containing axon terminals in rat hippocampus form synapses on pyramidal cells.” Neurosci Lett. 1998 Jul 10;250(3):185-8.

[7] Liu P, Jing Y, Collie ND, Chary S, Zhang H. “Memory-related changes in L-citrulline and agmatine in the rat brain.” Hippocampus. 2009 Jul;19(7):597-602.

[8]Agmatine”, available online from  [Accessed 5 March 2018]

[9] Zhu M-Y, Wang W-P, Cai Z-W, Regunathan S, Ordway G. “Exogenous agmatine has neuroprotective effects against restraint-induced structural changes in the rat brain.” The European journal of neuroscience. 2008;27(6):1320-1332.

[10] Raghavan SA, Dikshit M. “Vascular regulation by the L-arginine metabolites, nitric oxide and agmatine.” Pharmacol Res. 2004 May;49(5):397-414.

[11] Joshi MS, Ferguson TB Jr, Johnson FK, Johnson RA, Parthasarathy S, Lancaster JR Jr. “Receptor-mediated activation of nitric oxide synthesis by arginine in endothelial cells.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Jun 12;104(24):9982-7.

[12] Khan S, Evans AA, Hughes S, Smith ME. “Beta-endorphin decreases fatigue and increases glucose uptake independently in normal and dystrophic mice.” Muscle Nerve. 2005 Apr;31(4):481-6.

[13] Keynan O, Mirovsky Y, Dekel S, Gilad VH, Gilad GM. “Safety and Efficacy of Dietary Agmatine Sulfate in Lumbar Disc-associated Radiculopathy. An Open-label, Dose-escalating Study Followed by a Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial.” Pain Med. 2010 Mar;11(3):356-68

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