Friday, January 11, 2019

What is Rutin (Vitamin P - AKA Rutinose)?

Rutin is a potent bioflavonoid supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy body. It is best known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-supporting benefits. Rutin is related to Quercetin, and the two compounds are always found together in their natural form. Rutin is a ‘slow-release’ version of Quercetin with an added rutinose sugar molecule.[1]

Rutin is digested by bacteria in your gut and goes well with probiotic supplements. The recommended serving size for a high-potency Rutin supplement is around 500 mg, taken once or twice per day. Side effects are uncommon and generally mild (see the ‘side effects’ section below). Make sure you fully understand how to use this supplement before purchasing it.

ziziphus-juba a great source of rutin


Rutin is also sometimes called Vitamin P (it is not a true vitamin) or rutoside. It is best thought of as the sister form of Quercetin, one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants.

The name ‘Rutin’ comes from the chemical structure of this compound – a Quercetin molecule bound to a rutinose sugar molecule, which helps the body with absorption. The extra sugar molecule slows the breakdown of Rutin in the stomach and allows the positive effects to continue for a prolonged period of time.[2]

Rutin is often referred to as vitamin because of the amazing and, frankly, essential health benefits. “Vitamin P” refers to ‘bioflavonoids’, of which Rutin/Quercetin are by far the most powerful. Good natural food sources of Rutin include dates, berries, onions, peppers, fruits, and leafy greens.[3] Rutin acts alongside gut bacteria in the stomach, which break the sugar molecule off and allow it to deliver its beneficial effects. Having strong gut bacteria is useful for enjoying the benefits of this supplement, and it can be taken alongside probiotic supplements.[4]

Recently, doctors and scientists have been stressing more and more the importance of bioflavonoids in the human diet.[5] Although Rutin is not an actual vitamin, it is becoming increasingly evident that the human body thrives in an abundance of phytochemicals (plant compounds) – and especially bioflavonoids from fruits and vegetables. Study after study shows how important these natural compounds are for maintaining a healthy circulatory system, fighting inflammation, and for supporting an immune system.

Potential Benefits and Effects of Rutin

In their natural form – in fruits and vegetables – Rutin and Quercetin are almost always found together, and often in very similar amounts. They are both absorbed quickly in the intestines, but Rutin interacts more with gut bacteria.

In one study, researchers found gave rats a strong extract from mulberries, rich in both Quercetin and Rutin. The results indicated that the maximum concentration in the bloodstream after taking the extract was 20 minutes for Quercetin and 1 hour for Rutin.[6] The most important health benefits of this supplement include:

1.    Powerful Naturally-Occurring Antioxidant

One of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants protect your body by destroying harmful ‘free-radicals’ – reactive chemicals that cause can cause ill health. Reactive oxygen species (also known as ‘free-radicals’) are formed through different normal biochemical processes in your body. Stress, a bad diet, drugs, alcohol abuse, environmental pollution, and disease can all contribute to excess free radical production. When left unchecked, these compounds can cause damage to the cells in your body, and even to your DNA.

That’s why antioxidants are so important for good health. And of all the naturally-occuring antioxidants we know of, Rutin is up there with the most powerful. A great benefit of antioxidant compounds is that they help to protect your circulatory system by preventing the build-up of cholesterol plaques. As we mentioned before, this is why doctors around the world are calling bioflavonoids the new “Vitamin P” – their antioxidant effects are essential for a healthy heart and a healthy body!

Study: In 2018, researchers set out to discover the true antioxidant potential of Rutin. They exposed cellular cultures to a variety of toxins and conducted numerous tests on lab rats to try to figure out how it works so well to promote good health. They found that Rutin activates a number of different biochemical mechanisms in the body to prevent cellular damage and to protect DNA.[7]

What this study indicates: Rutin is a powerful antioxidant with protective effects on the circulatory system and on cells in the body. It is a great supplement for promoting good health.

Rutin is a powerful antioxidant, good for a healthy body

2.    Potent Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Potent Anti-Inflammatory Effects! In addition to Rutin’s powerful antioxidant benefits, it is also a very potent natural anti-inflammatory compound. This means that it helps your body to manage inflammation. Studies today show that bioflavonoids like Quercetin and Rutin are excellent natural anti-inflammatory agents. Another reason why doctors recommend eating 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day!

Inflammation is your body’s natural response when it’s ‘under attack’. Bacterial infections, scratches, bruises, and allergies all evoke the immune response. The immune response is visible through inflammation such as swelling, and redness. Inflammation is perfectly normal and is actually a very important part of a healthy body. The problems occur when inflammation gets out of hand. Long-term stress and illnesses can cause too much inflammation. Allergies are also a very frustrating form of inflammation.

STUDY: In 2017, researchers used human cell cultures to identify the anti-inflammatory effects of Rutin. They isolated human neutrophils (important enzymes in your body’s first line of defense) and treated the cells with Rutin to record its effects. They found that Rutin had no negative effects on the viability of the neutrophils (a good thing!). However, it significantly reduced the production of inflammation markers (NO and TNF-α) by the immune enzymes.[8]

What this study indicates: Without ‘hurting’ or damaging important immune enzymes, Rutin is able to temporarily decrease their ability to cause inflammation. This is an excellent outcome for a natural anti-inflammatory compound, and these effects are considered to be quite remarkable.

Rutin has powerful anti-inflammatory effects

3.    Helps to Support a Healthy Immune System

Rutin is great for supporting a healthy immune system! Even though it helps as an anti-inflammatory, studies have found that Rutin (and Quercetin) help to promote a strong immune system. Actually, this had been known for a long time. It is already well established that a large intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with an improved immune system.[9] Fruits and vegetables provide minerals, vitamins, and – importantly – bioflavonoids like Rutin.

‘Immunomodulators’ are a class of compounds that are able to reduce the negative effects of inflammation – swelling, fear, and allergies – while simultaneously supporting the body’s ability to fight foreign pathogens, toxins, and bacteria. Bioflavonoids are considered to be great natural immunomodulators and Rutin is one of the best-known bioflavonoids today.

STUDY: In a 2017 study, researchers examined the effects of Rutin on the mammalian immune system in a series of experiments. The results proved to be very exciting.

  • Rutin was found to improve phagocytosis (the process where immune cells engulf bacteria and toxins, to remove them).
  • The results further attested to the antioxidant benefits of Rutin, which are also important for a healthy immune system.
  • The researchers found that Rutin improved the binding of neutrophils to foreign-bodies. Neutrophils can be thought of as ‘scavenger’ enzymes that find toxins and trigger the immune response.
  • The results showed an increase in the production of antibodies (immune cells that destroy foreign toxins) after animals were given Rutin.[10]

What this study indicates: This study clearly shows the immune-supporting benefits of Rutin. Although the study was performed on animals, the immune system is very similar in all mammals. When taken as a supplement or in its natural form, this phytochemical is definitely great for supporting a healthy immune system.

Rutin is also great for immune support

Recommended Usage for Rutin

There is no established RDA for Rutin (Vitamin P) at this time. However, most human studies tend to use a serving size of around 500 mg, taken once to twice per day. Rutin can be taken alongside Quercetin, in which case we recommend using half the usual serving size for each supplement. Rutin’s effects might also be enhanced by using probiotic or prebiotic supplements that support gut health.

Rutin is sold in a powder form. It comes with a measuring scoop to easily measure out the correct serving size. It can be swallowed directly with a glass of water or dissolved in a juice or healthy smoothie. You may also be interested in purchasing some capsules for ease of use.


Check Out Our Range of Rutin

Side Effects and Warnings

There have not been many human studies of large servings of Rutin to assess the most common side effects. However, notes several potential adverse effects that may be experienced when taking Rutin. These could include one or more of:

What is Rutin? Chemical structure

  • Blurred vision
  • Upset stomach
  • A headache
  • Flushed skin
  • Nervousness
  • Rash
  • Changes in heartbeat
  • Fluid accumulation in the knees
  • Muscle stiffness/soreness
  • High white blood cell count [11]

It’s important to remember that any adverse effects are more likely to be experienced when you use larger servings. It’s also important to remember that most people who use Rutin supplements will not experience any adverse effects at all.

The health benefits of bioflavonoids such as Rutin and Quercetin far outweigh any potential side effects, but for your own benefit, we do not recommend exceeding the serving size of 500 mg.

Summary: What is Rutin?

Overall, Rutin (rutoside) is a potent dietary supplement and a naturally-occurring phytochemical with fantastic benefits for human health. Bioflavonoids are a class of compounds that are essential for health and well-being, and Rutin (AKA ‘slow-release’ Quercetin) is the best-known bioflavonoid. The health benefits of this great supplement include:

  • Powerful anti-inflammatory effects
  • Supports a healthy circulatory system
  • The top antioxidant bioflavonoid
  • Promotes strong immune function

The recommended serving size is 500 mg, taken once to twice per day. Do not exceed the serving suggestion. Please read the medical disclaimer below to ensure that you fully understand how to use this supplement before purchasing it.

Rutin is found in fruits and vegetables, alongside Quercetin


[1] Al-Dhabi, N.A., Arasu, M.V., Park, C.H., & Park, S.U. (2015). An up-to-date review of rutin and its biological and pharmacological activitiesEXCLI journal14, 59-63. doi:10.17179/excli2014-663

[2] Kim, H., Kong, H., Choi, B., Yang, Y., Kim, Y., Lim, M. J., … Jung, Y. (2005). Metabolic and Pharmacological Properties of Rutin, a Dietary Quercetin Glycoside, for Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Pharmaceutical Research, 22(9), 1499–1509. doi:10.1007/s11095-005-6250-z

[3] Nishimuro, H., Ohnishi, H., Sato, M., Ohnishi-Kameyama, M., Matsunaga, I., Naito, S., Ippoushi, K., Oike, H., Nagata, T., Akasaka, H., Saitoh, S., Shimamoto, K., … Kobori, M. (2015). Estimated daily intake and seasonal food sources of quercetin in JapanNutrients7(4), 2345-58. doi:10.3390/nu7042345

[4] Alice, T., Yves, H., & Jin, S. (2018). Biotransformation of Rutin to Quercetin by Human Gut Bacteria and Its Effect on Rutin BioavailabilityResearch Inventy: International Journal Of Engineering And Science8(2), 11-17.

[5] Aune, D., Giovannucci, E., Boffetta, P., Fadnes, L. T., Keum, N., Norat, T., Greenwood, D. C., Riboli, E., Vatten, L. J., … Tonstad, S. (2017). Fruit and vegetable intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease, total cancer and all-cause mortality-a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studiesInternational journal of epidemiology46(3), 1029-1056.

[6] Ou-yanga, Z., Caoa, X., Weia, Y., Zhanga, W., Zhaoa, M., Duanb, J. (2013). Pharmacokinetic study of rutin and quercetin in rats after oral administration of total flavones of mulberry leaf extract. Rev Bras Farmacogn 23(2013): 776-782

[7] Ganeshpurkar, A., & Saluja, A. K. (2016). The Pharmacological Potential of RutinSaudi pharmaceutical journal : SPJ : the official publication of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society25(2), 149-164.

[8] Nikfarjam, B. A., Adineh, M., Hajiali, F., & Nassiri-Asl, M. (2017). Treatment with Rutin - A Therapeutic Strategy for Neutrophil-Mediated Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases: - Anti-inflammatory Effects of Rutin on Neutrophils. Journal of pharmacopuncture20(1), 52-56.

[9] Gibson, A., Edgar, J. D., Neville, C. E., Gilchrist, S. E., McKinley, M. C., Patterson, C. C., … Woodside, J. V. (2012). Effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on immune function in older people: a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 96(6), 1429–1436. doi:10.3945/ajcn.112.039057

[10] Ganeshpurkar, A., & Saluja, A. K. (2017). Protective effect of rutin on humoral and cell mediated immunity in rat model. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 273, 154–159. doi:10.1016/j.cbi.2017.06.006

[11] Gotter, A., & Wilson, D.R. (2017) The Potential Health Benefits of Rutin. [online] Healthline. Available at:

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